It's been a while since I posted, and the reason for that is that I was getting all my materials together to start construction. The major holdup was the ceiling tiles.
Like Jim Six in Model Railroad Planning 2010, I'm using ceiling tiles for my roadbed. However, I don't need pristine tiles (I'm just going to shave them down and cover them with paint anyway) so why would I want to pay full price for them? I asked at the local Lowe's what they do with damaged tiles, and the guys said they sell them for pennies on the dollar. So I waited, checking the clearance bin each time I went in. About a week or so ago, there were 5 cases sitting there in various level of distress. One case had only one tile in the package that was damaged minimally; the rest were perfect. I got them for 50% off. Not exactly my idea of pennies on the dollar, but certainly cheap enough. I also had to run around looking for the right size T-nuts for the wheels. I wasn't paying $3.50 each for stainless steel, but no one seemed to have the galvanized in stock. I finally located some, still stainless, but appreciably cheaper than Lowe's. I bit the bullet.